Had to wrap Little Miss to keep her calm. She was definitely getting hungry by this point since she hadn't nursed for over 4 hours.
I walked Charlotte back to the operating room and laid her on the table. They put a gas mask on her and she was asleep within just a minute or two. I gave her a kiss and was escorted out to the waiting room. It was such a surreal feeling leaving my tiny baby behind in the (very capable) hands of complete strangers. Thankfully, the surgery was very quick and we were back together within an hour.
Charlotte was NOT a happy camper upon waking from the anesthesia. She wouldn't even calm down enough to nurse and I felt so helpless! I think she wore herself out because she eventually dozed off for a little bit. They monitored her oxygen level for about 30 minutes and then moved us to another area to wait for discharge papers. In the second area, they removed the IV from her hand and she was much more comfortable after that.
We were discharged around 9:30 and headed home. She is now resting peacefully and I hope we can all get some rest this afternoon (it was an early day for Mom and Dad, too).
I am thankful to have this over with, and I pray that Charlotte isn't too uncomfortable over the next few days. She will be in this last cast for 3 weeks to allow her tendon to heal and complete the correction of her club foot. Thanks to everyone for thinking of us and praying for Charlotte! We appreciate and love you all!
P.S. Happy birthday, Daddy! Love, Charlotte