Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Letter to my Baby Girl

My precious Charlotte,

I love you. I tell you that hundreds of times a day, but I want you to know that I mean it with every cell in my body. You are a perfect gift from Heaven for whom God trusted me and your Daddy to care. We are so thankful He chose us to be your parents. 

This journey with your feet is going by so quickly. I'm so grateful for all that God is doing through the doctors and I know that He will continue to see us through this process. I'm praying, especially, for Him to be with us in the morning as you go in for surgery. I'll admit, I'm nervous. You're so little at just over 10 pounds. You're so fragile, so innocent, so perfect. It's hard for me to think about placing your life into the hands of strangers and just "hoping for the best". If God is teaching me anything through this it's that I must trust Him with things that I cannot control. Someday you'll understand just how hard it is for a woman to give up control. 

My sweet girl, we're nearing the end of the first leg of this journey. You've been so amazingly strong and brave. I can't tell you enough just how proud I am of you! You have made this process easier than I ever dreamed it would be with your strength. I know we still have a long road ahead, but I trust that God is with us and I know that He has given you the power to overcome this. I love you, sweetheart. 


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